Tone' has suddenly found a new interest in reading adventure books about men overcoming incredible circumstances and living to tell the tale. Apparently, little Lukey is getting sucked in as well!

I have become a thorn in my husbands side as each book he brings home and starts to delve into I soon after pick it up and start reading it as well. Then, (and this is what pokes his skin) I pass him up as I have more time to read than he does, (not to mention that I stay up until all hours of the night reading as well). To make matters worse I always take something to read whenever we go anywhere, even if it is 14 minutes to church, and so I will be reading HIS book and then he has to hear my reactions to what is happening (something like: "gasp!", "Oh my!" "Sick!") of which he, being the type of person who goes hunting for Christmas presents guy that he is, will DEMAND that I tell him what is happening . Even if I AM 10 chapters ahead of where he currently is. So then I, being the type who hates to ruin surprises and absolutely does not want to know what I am getting for Christmas before I actually open the present, tries to play down my sudden expression of shock over what happened in the book and instead tells him as little as possible while giving just a tiny little peak into what lays ahead in order to satisfy his curiosity. Phew!!! It is a rather exhausting ordeal and I am always quite relieved when we both finish the book, but then he brings home another one and the process starts all over again.
I would love to copy my sister's family as they all read a few chapters out of a book together each night, but I just couldn't keep myself from reading ahead while Tone' was away.
It's a sickness.....I got it from my father. Yes, that's right, I'm blaming you Dad. It's a good sickness, though!
Moving on.... where'd Lukey go????
There he is!

I mean, really, does that game ever get old to a little kid??? So far, it still is the favorite in our household. And at what point do they realize that I CAN still see then even if they can't see me?
Tone's reading list so far: (and mine, by default)
Endurance: Amazing true story of Ernest Shackleton and a group of men whose ship became stuck in the ice on the way to the South Pole. They survived on seals and penguins for 2 years in bitter cold WITHOUT Gortex!
Adrift: True story about a guy whose ship sunk in 1982 and he floated in his life raft for 76 days! He lived on 36 fish and birds that he caught with a makeshift speargun, all the while fending off sharks and other creatures trying to dump him overboard. So much more to the story you simply must read this!
Into Thin Air: (Actually, Tone' hasn't read it yet, (but I have, heh heh))
True story of one of the worst climbing accidents in history. The first hand account of why 12 climbers died on Everest and what that night was like. I can tell you that I have no desire to climb mountains again. Ever. Let's just say that I never want to be in a place so cold that my eyeballs could freeze in place and I would be alive but not able to move them. No thanks. But it was a really gripping read!
Know of any great adventure reading for Tone' (and me:))???
Leave a comment! or you could email me....or call....or text....but no faxes-that's so last century.