Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just A Regular Photo Session

It is becoming painfully obvious to me that the "perfect picture" of my boys is liable to elude me for years to come. If Luke isn't expressing his "what is going on" face than Nik is either turning away from the camera or looking dazed and confused. At least in this picture they both are sitting close to each other and are dressed nice!
Really, this boys face is hilarious. Tone' and I are constantly looking at each other and shaking our heads as Lukas does this look non-stop! Oh if only I had just a couple passes into his brain, I would definitely be using one of my passes on figuring out what is behind this look.

Then he suddenly figures everything out and gives us a super cute smile!
A boy and his mama; just when did I get all those lines on my face? And wow, I really do have a lot of freckles. I really don't look at the mirror all that often so sometimes I forget.

Aaaaawwwww, how cute! A kiss for daddy:)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Fun

Though I really prefer summer over any other season, I do love seeing the leaves changing and then getting out one crisp fall day to rake them all up. This tree, which is actually our neighbors, hangs over the fence and creates a beautiful little oasis on the side of our house. It also creates a lot of little leaves that need raking, and raking and raking some more.

The boys had a blast running back and forth through my piles of leaves and created about 4 times more work for me, but as I've said, I do like raking.

In spite of their efforts to disperse all my piles, I did manage to fill wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow full and take it to the garden for composting. Lucky for them they are still little enough to ride along. How wonderful these kids lives are and they don't even realize it!
Right about this time dark clouds rolled in and big droplets of water began to fall all around us. I wanted to finish up, though, so we kept working even as the rains came flowing down. By the time we finished and put everything away we were soaked but everyone was smiling. Then it was time for warm clothes, hot chocolate and a Thomas the Tank Engine movie! Oh yeah, wild and crazy at the Gibson household.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Before The Neverending Rain Comes

With few rainless days ahead of us we have been spending as much time outside as we can.
Mostly this involves Nikolas riding his bike while I pull Lukas around in the wagon, but this particular day Tone' was home and so Nik asked him, "Daddy, you ride your big bike and I ride my little bike?" How could Tone' say no?

Getting daring.

When I first met Tone', he would do this trick with his bike and I was thoroughly impressed.

Still am:)

He's bounching on his back tire, by the way, not just doing a wheelie.
What a stud;)

Then there's our littlest trickster. He thought he was so smart for standing on the steering wheel and sticking his foot out. He's such a cutie:)
The best part of them playing hard outside:

I just scoop them up and take them to bed.......
unless this happens at 3 or 4 in the afternoon; then we're looking at a long night. Still, the peace in the house for the time being is nice!

Trick Or Treat: Part 2

It is funny to me that I am now taking my children Trick or Treating as I never went as a child until the ripe old age of 12 when I went with friends. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be 3 years old and get to dress up as your favorite character in the ENTIRE WORLD and not only that but then get to go running with your very best friends door to door where all these adults who you have never met before willingly put handfuls of candy into your outstretched hands. Sounds sweet. Thomas and Mr. Incredible are deep in conversation.
and yes, Nikolas IS barefoot. He did start out with boots on, boots because I was thinking it would be cold and wet. Apparently they were a little too heavy for him though as he was the sllllooooowwwest child going from door to door. So I thought, "Hey, let's take his boots off!" Well, that was, indeed, the culprit as the second he was bootless he bolted to the front of the gang and didn't slow down. It may seem like bad parenting to have your 3 year old running around on the cold pavement for an night.....but five days later and he's still completely healthy! It does help, so goes my theory, that the boys and I run around barefoot from the moment the sun starts to shine again in the spring until the very last moment our little toes can handle the cold and wet in the fall/winter.

I had to throw in a picture of Superman; AKA Nathan.
I mean, isn't he adorable???

Lukas quickly figured out that if he stood at a door long enough someone would come
and hand him "ums" (as he calls chocolate). What he didn't quite understand was that
they only do it once. So each time I had to pick him up and carry him to the next one
or he would just stand there waiting for the door to open again:)

Admiring his loot.

NO ONE, is touching this boys candy.