As I was doing laundrey the other day I started lining up our different socks and realized how incredibly cute all the different sizes of socks which are in our family now. To think that two short years ago there was just Tone' and my socks and now they have multiplied! And in another 3 or 4 years they will have multiplied again! Won't that be fun to see. Though I don't know how fun I will be thinking it is as i stand in the midst of a mountain of socks. One thing I know, when they all get to that magical size of sock that everyone wears I am only buying one kind and one color and they will have a communal sock drawer. If only i could get away with doing that with their clothes like the Duggers.
I love matching socks and will do that when I am at your house anytime!! And with the extras, I'll make puppets to entertain the boys! Because they really must think I am as cool as my kids think their aunt is!
Awwww, that is so sweet:) And Nik will definitely think you are cool if you do puppet socks. Just don't do a COW puppet;)
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