Today, during the two hours of sun and warmth, we were outside and Nik looked up into the sky and said, "Moooon". I looked up thinking i was going to see a faint outline of the moon, but instead I saw this cloud in the shape of a moon. I thought that was so cool that he picked out a shape from a cloud and wondered when the last time I did that. So i decided that this summer we are going to lay out on a blanket on a warm day and look for shapes in clouds and just take it easy. In fact, I want to slow down all summer and not be always "going places". I especially dislike being in the car on nice days as they are too few here in the NW to waste being stuck in a car. Not to mention that staying home will greatly reduce our monthly gas cost. So instead of running from activity to activity, I am going to try to create our own fun activities in our own backyard. We have the kiddie pool, slide, sidewalk chalk and a garden to keep us entertained, ( i know, weeding may not sound entertaining to many, but I kindof like it:)) Anyone have any fun outdoor activities for a toddler they would like to share?
I FULLY support you in your decision to do nothing- I wish I'd done that more when my kids were your kids age!
I want to do this too! Laying down looking at clouds with my boy sounds just perfect.
We love to have lunch outside on a picnic blanket. And run through the sprinkler.
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