My boys are 22 months apart, yet wear the same size diaper. That strikes me as odd. And as you might be able to tell, Lukas, the four month old, appears to be a tad thicker around the middle than the 2 year old. The only thing Nik has on him is length, and if Luke has his Uncle Gino's genes then it won't be long before they are the same height. Especially since it appears that Nik has his mama and daddy's short genes. 
Nikolas is finally starting to acknowledge his little brother in positive ways now. He kisses him, hugs him and tries to hold him, (though as soon as he feels Luke's weight Nik says, "woah" and wants me to take him). Usually, though, he likes to lay on top of him, which Luke puts up with amazingly well. Though it might be because he can't breathe and therefore can't protest. If i am busy and Luke gets fussy i ask Nik to go tickle brother. Nik loves to tickle nowadays so he readily agrees and Lukas loves the attention and Mama gets a couple extra minutes to finish up whatever it is that Mama's do.

Nikolas is finally starting to acknowledge his little brother in positive ways now. He kisses him, hugs him and tries to hold him, (though as soon as he feels Luke's weight Nik says, "woah" and wants me to take him). Usually, though, he likes to lay on top of him, which Luke puts up with amazingly well. Though it might be because he can't breathe and therefore can't protest. If i am busy and Luke gets fussy i ask Nik to go tickle brother. Nik loves to tickle nowadays so he readily agrees and Lukas loves the attention and Mama gets a couple extra minutes to finish up whatever it is that Mama's do.
Your boys are so cute. They're just going to be best buddies.
I still can't believe they're both in threes.
I can't believe they both wear size3's. Lexi's big tushie requires a size 5!!! It's nice that you don't have to buy two sizes of diapers. It's nice to have one thing to simplify.
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