Today was Luke's six month birthday! He is so stinkin' cute I can't help but kiss him all day long. It is fun to look at the pictures of Nik at this age and see the differences in these two little guys. Luke still has the baby face while Nik was already starting to look like a little man. Luke is always so happy and carefree while Nik has that mischievious look in his eye. Some things never change...

Somehow i lost his 3 months shirt:( It probably has a stain and i put it somewhere to clean it and now i don't know where that is. It is hard to tell by the picture, but Luke is huge compared to Nik at that age. I just had to pull out the 12 month outfits as i have been cramming Luke into the 6 month and 6/9 month outfits. Nik was still wearing his 6/9 month clothes at 12 months.

I can't believe Luke has only been in my life for 6 short months, yet i can't imagine my life without him. I thank God for lending me these little boys, they truly are blessings from above.
Awesome photo of Lukas! Happy 6 month! Sheesh, what kind of aunt am I not to send him anything!!! I did think of him, but figured my not taking up any of your time would be a good gift!
what a cutie!!! you know this means I haven't seen you guys in 6 months right??? what is wrong with us!?
you should definitely see me soon as I am now officially the youngest-looking twenty something on the planet with my new mouth full of metal...ugh.
I can't believe how different your two boys look. They don't even look related. They're both adorable though and I LOVE how you took the same photo of both at the same age. That is SOOOOO cute!
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