Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mama's Outa Shape

Oh I know, some of you are probably thinking, "Whatever, you are so skinny you can't possibly be out of shape.". Well let me assure you, I may have been blessed with skinny genes from my mother, but I am in no way, shape or form, fit. In fact, I tested my theory out today and went for my first bike ride in a year and a half. It was totally impromptu as Tone' and I and the boys were outside working around the house in this gorgeous fall weather when I looked at my bike and said, "Oh how I would love to go for a bike ride....". To which my wonderful husband said, "Well, what are you waiting for, GO." Normally I would have replied something like, "No, I need to go to the store if I am going to do anything." or "No, the house needs to be cleaned" or any other number of excuses. This time, though, I surprised myself and said, "okay, here's Lukas." and off I went. (After I put my helmet on of course) The further I rode the more I realized how incredibly long it has been since I peddled my mountain bike. Here's why:

1) within a mile my quads and calves were burning

2) I remembered too late why one shouldn't open their mouth wide while biking, (bugs make me gag)

3) within a mile and a half I realized my back side is much larger than my bike seat (my seat must have shrunk since I last used it)

4) I biked the two miles in the same time as I used to RUN two miles in college, how sad is that?! In my defense: I was having to figure out all my gears again as I kept getting the hard and easy gears mixed up. (just another excuse)

So, it is blaringly obvious that I need to actually start working out, in some way. My friend Jodi
and her sister are planning on doing a triathalon sprint in April, I believe, and I opened my mouth upon hearing this and said, "Oh, I want to do it too!". Well Jodi, I think it is time we started using that elyptical of yours. And SOON!

1 comment:

Jodi said...


It's been even longer than that since I've ridden a bike. I have to tell you I had high hopes that I would hop right on with no problems....but I'm afraid you just squashed that hope. :( Maybe we can add girls-only bike rides to our list of fun things to do!