Wednesday, January 14, 2009

70 Years Ago....

a little boy was born who changed my life. Mainly because he would grow up one day to become my father, but also because I wouldn't be the person I am today without his influence in my life, for good and for bad.

My brother, sister and I threw Dad a 70th birthday party on January 3rd with many family and friends in attendance. We put together a slide show of his life and so after everyone had eaten we all sat down and watched his life of 70 years unfold before us in pictures and in words as Kellie and I narrarated. I don't have the pictures on my computer, except for these few, but here is what I have:

As a young boy
He was born in 1938, so his first ten years were marked by World War II. I think that is simply amazing, because, well, that was a LONG time ago!

As a teen
He was a teen in the 50's, how fun!

In the army
He was in the army in the early 60's when he met my mother at a local lake. Thankfully he got out of the army before he was sent to Vietnam.

And a sudden jump to 2009 with grandson, Lukas
After the slide show we had a time for his friends and family to share memories about Dad.
Listening to everyone and talking to others afterward, it was quite clear that what describes John Graham the best is that he is a man with a servants heart who deeply cares for others. I don't think there was a person in that room who hasn't had Dad help them out in some way. In fact, that is how he now has a wonderful new wife! A recent widow herself, Sue needed her deck worked on and so Dad started going over there to help. So what do you do for a new bachelor who doesn't want money? You feed him, of course! And the rest, know the rest;)

So besides giving me life, there is a long list of things I am grateful to my father for and I would like to name just a few:

Thank you Dad,
*For giving up many of your personal dreams in order to grow a family instead. Maybe you will get to fly a plane again in Heaven:) One never knows....
*For loving Mom always. I never doubted your devotion to her and I don't remember you ever raising your voice with her. Only now that I am married do I realize just how difficult that may have been as marriage isn't always easy.
*For giving us kids the best place to grow up. Having a farm and room to explore was better than any fancy house you could have bought. It is my goal to one day do the same for my boys.
*For teaching me "boy" activities like shooting a rifle and driving a tractor. And thanks for not ever making me help castrate the pigs:{
*For introducing me to Jesus and eternal salvation. I am constantly thankful for being born into a home of believers. Thank you for making God a priority in your life and know that I will do all that I can to continue your legacy in my own family.
*For always being willing to help me in any way. From flat tires, car wrecks, home repairs, babysitting and sickness, I know all I have to do is call you and you will be on your way to help your little girl.

Thanks Papa,
you have truly been a blessing in my life,
and also in many others.

Your youngest,

1 comment:

klyn said...

Great post - I'm always struck at how vastly different experiences we had growing up! Not that I didn't agree with much of what you said! (Hi Dad!) You didn't have to help castrate pigs?? Dad takes care of you when you are sick? Umm, and I would have liked to stay in the house with the pool...

And, You have all the pictures on your computer. I made a file on your computer in your pictures. Dad's 70th birthday is what it is named, I think. Tone' saw/ helped.