Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Famous!

Okay, so maybe that would be going too far, but my picture did just make onto KATU's website on Monday. Check it out here. My good friend, Angela, and I were recently interviewed by a really nice lady, Nancy Woods, about couponing and our blog over at FrugallivingNW. KATU wanted pictures of us couponing for the article and since we didn't have any and Angela was out of town, Nancy met me on Sunday and we went to Walgreens so she could take a picture of me couponing. It was rather funny actually.

If you are spending more on groceries than you can actually afford then I would recommend checking our blog out frequently as we are constantly updating it with the best deals in the area. Here are a few examples of some of my grocery trips, and this isn't rare!

Safeway $3.15
No joke! That is all I paid out of pocket due to all the coupons and double coupons and store coupons that are all found in the Sunday and Tuesday paper and online.

Safeway: Profit of $.05!
Not Joking Again! The cashier actually handed ME a nickel. Once again, I used manufacturer coupons, double coupons and combined them with a sweet sale.

Albertsons $.04!

Have I convinced any of you that couponing really works?! How did I only pay $.04 for all this?
Okay, I'll tell you:
Oroweat bread on sale $2.50
used $1/1 coupon
used $1 Albertsons double
= $.50 for a loaf of pretty healthy bread

Barilla pasta on sale $1
used $.50/1 coupon
used Albertsons double -$.50

on sale $1
used $1/1 coupon
used $1 Albertsons Double
= overage of $1! Which is how I ended up paying only $.04

We don't make any money off our blog, at least not yet, we are just doing it because we have had so much fun saving tons of money that we wanted to share it with others who may be needing to save money as well. I'd love to hear if this helped you at all:)


Katinka said...

Wow, I can always say I knew you back when you used to eat take out every night and rarely cooked. Oh, yeah, I could say a lot more...

klyn said...

Ha, Sheri! So true, oh, the stories we could tell!
Congrats, B! I bragged to all of my friends - most were impressed with the kid situation being under controll as you shopped!

Clubprouser said...

I'm so impressed by what you've been able to do and I'm honored to know such a famous person. Now if I only had an extra 10 hours a week, I'd be set! :-) Good for you. You're an inspiration.