Sunday, July 26, 2009

Little Campers

Camping wouldn't be complete without pictures of little ones in their sleeping bags, and Ninja Turtle sleeping bags at that! This bag was from my quite lengthy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle phase when I was 14. I had every piece of paraphanelia that I could get my hands on, though Nikolas will only be inheriting the sleeping bag.

I'm afraid, Nikolas, that you are NOT a morning person, much like your mother.

Our tent was next to our friends, the Landolts, so upon hearing some little voices through the tent walls Nik and Luke started hollering across. They thought it was a great adventure.

My little cookie monster
Daddy is getting a kiss from the little cookie monster, awwww, how sweet!


Sheri said...

I remember you freezing your little
tail off at waterski camp with the little sleeping bag. You were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

klyn said...

Quit passing your mutant tendencies to your niece...

Hey! He almost fits the cookie monster sleeper! Yay!