This was our living room a few week ago.

It has changed now.
The reason is due to a certain one year old who decided to pull the garden hose through the front door and water the carpet rather than the flowers. Yes, he watered our carpet.
I had left him just out the front door happily watering the flowers while I went into the kitchen to put some dishes away. I realized, after a couple minutes, that I heard water running, and close. I figured I better check, so I walked around the counter and there stood little Lukas standing outside the door but pointing the hose into the house with the water flowing away! I ran around the counter to grab some rags, stepped in water and realized that not only was the entry way carpet full of water, but the dining room was also covered in a rather deep layer of water as well. OH MY. NOW WHAT?!
The culprit

I had planned on leaving for Washington for a week the next day so I didn't have a chance to do anything further. I figured I would get to it little by little, or perhaps wait until Tone' came back. My friend, Sheri, had different plans, however...
While I was away she called up Will and he and our friend, Dave, went over on Sunday morning, before church, and moved all the furniture and ripped up all the rest of the carpet in the living room and down the hallway! They took the time to do this for me even though Dave's wife, Kate, just had a baby 6 days before and anyond who has had a newborn recently would understand what a sacrifice it is to give up their husband for a couple hours during that first week with a brand new baby! And, Will was extremely busy as he owns his own business and was tying up loos ends because he and his family were headed out of town for the next two weeks that same day! And Sheri had gone over before they came to move all the books and other loose stuff out of the living room. Truly, I am blessed with great friends.
I came back from Washington and as I walked into the house it became apparent I would need to put shoes on the boys as soon as possible! There were so many staples and tacks sticking out of the floor and boy were they sharp! Sheri, once again, came over and we spent the next hour and a half pulling out staples an ripping up tack strips. Nik and Luke even helped, though we kept trying to discourage them.

And of course, it is very difficult to keep shoes on this boy.
Good thing he has had his tetanus shot!

So, I guess "thanks" are in order for Lukas? Hmmmmm...
Thanks are definitley in order, though, to Sheri, Will and Dave. And the wives who had to deal with their husbands taking off on a Sunday morning.
Thanks everyone!!!
Beautiful floors! Nothing like a toddler-inspired DIY project! :)
Yeah what was meant to be a wonderful surprise turned into a phone call before she got home and just a Surprise! as I couldn't get the carpet tacks and staples out before she got home. Nik was helpful in pulling out the molding so now Tone' gets to put in new ones. It needed it anyway!
This is what happens when people give me their house key.
Well, mine is now out - a quick morning project until we found the past water damage down the hall. Now to figure out if Chad can save the floor or if we will be putting in new wood in that area.
I'm glad you didn't have that as part of the project, too!
And, we foudn more pins in the carpet - seriously!!
beautiful floors- glad to see your wearing sturdy shoes while working!! Did you have to sand and buff the floors or anything- because they do look lovely!!
It is nice to be blessed with such loving friends!! God surely shows His love for us through others' generosity!!
yeah God!
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