On Friday many of my extended family on my dads' side came to Tone' and my house for our annual Graham family Christmas party. I am always amazed that we are able to fit nearly 35 people inside our 1200 square foot home, but we managed and it was a lot of fun. In fact, I rather like the coziness of closer quarters as it forces us all to stay together more than if we are spread out in a larger home.
I think it is funny to note that half of my relatives in this picture are my cousins, in one form or another; first cousin, first cousins once removed, second cousins, second cousins once removed......hmmm, I'm not sure about the last one, did I just make that one up? Is my second cousins baby my second cousin once removed? And now that I'm thinking about it, if my dads first cousin is my first cousin once removed, then is my cousins kids my first cousins once removed as well?
So then if my dads first cousin has a daughter, who is then my dads first cousin once removed and my second cousin, and this daughter has a boyfriend, what does that make us?
Absolutely nothing Dan #2 until you pop the question!!!
Come on, you know you want to be a part of this family. :)
Come on, you know you want to be a part of this family. :)

Of course, he'll have to get through this guy.

But once through that tough part you could end up with one of these cute little things!
(The little blue eyed red head that is. Not that my brother isn't cute, but....)
(The little blue eyed red head that is. Not that my brother isn't cute, but....)

Okay, I'm done mortifying my cousin.....
Here I am with my second cousin, Chelsea, the mama of the cute little red head. (Oh how I want a cute little red head!!! Guess I'll keep having babies and see what happens.)
Since i waited to have children my brother and sisters' kids are much older than my boys, so I'm excited that my second cousins are having babies now. Luke has two third cousins around his age that he will grow up with, yay!

We did have a gift exchange where the men bring a man gift and the ladies bring a lady gift and this year we went from youngest to oldest. There was some rather loud yelling going on when the men were picking their gifts. I think it had something to do with Dan #2(the boyfriend) stealing the father of the girlfriends very cool gift. We'll see if that was a wise decision.....
Speaking of Dan's; this is Dan #1- married to my dad's cousin, Susan, not to be confused with my dad's new wife, Sue.

And this is Chelsea's' husband Chad, not to be confused with my sisters' husband, Chad, who would be considered our "Chad #1" by order of appearance.

Confused? Not half as confused as my 3 year old, I'm sure. He's still trying to figure out how he has a cousin named Abby who is older than him and also a cousin named Addy who is younger than him.

Aren't families great? I am so blessed to have such a fun, loving and large extended family. What I am most grateful for, however, is that our ancestors have passed on to us their faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, from many generations before us. Now we are continuing that strong Christian heritage in our own families, and with God's grace, our children will continue to live for Him as well and this family will continue to be a beacon of light in a dark world.
You are an absolute hoot.
You neglected to mention how we all called you Becky, until that fateful day you decided that anyone new would call you Rebecca. Not to be confused with Dan #1's brother's daughter Becca, of course.
Haha, and the confusion continues!
I'm so confused! My family is much easier, I think.
I call her Rebecky...my compromise.
Wait - we also have double Zachary's with this summer's addition of the first cousin's husband's daughter's husband.
We are now taking possible candidates for family members, but they must have the names Raymond, Tone', Bob, Nik, Jim (actually, we are close with that one), Jeff, Dennis, Rod, Lukas, or Donald. Then, all of the males in our family would be doubled up.
You're right! Since I haven't met Zachary yet I hadn't thought of him, wow!
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