A. Everything except the decorating!
My first clue to something amiss: Loud Chuckling
My second clue to something amiss: Daddy saying: "Go show Mama!"
My third clue to something amiss: the sound of little feet running to me with crinkling and swooshing sounds included

Nikolas thought this was quite fun, but little Lukey...not so much. Aaahhh, husbands, you gotta love 'em. If nothing else, there is always the comic relief.
Rebecca, do you kids ever wear clothes while inside?
oH, you've noticed a pattern, have you?
I'd say, together they are usually 100% dressed, one has a shirt on and the other has pants on!
Why am I not surprised by this? I did notice a lack of balloons that I know you said you were blowing up.
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