Lukas' stats:
24 lbs. 33 in.
Likes: Pirates, horses, trains, balls, bike rides in the trailer, riding his tricycle (with help), jumping on trampolines, stomping in puddles, his brother Nik, wrestling with daddy, cuddling with mama....
Dislikes: Food, horses up close, big dogs, being wet, his brother Nik, being told "No" (by Daddy especially), going to sleep....
Words: Up until recently I had been thinking this boy wasn't ever going to talk. Then one day after nursery at church one of the workers said, "He talks so much! " Apparently, he even uses sentences with them, who knew?! The last couple weeks I have noticed myself that he is stringing words together more and more. In fact, seconds ago he came riding in on his horse and said, "I ride my horsey!". Of course, you would have to know Lukey dialect to have known that was what he said, but he really did think and say it! He also has finally started saying "Nik". Now he won't stop and it drives Nikolas a little crazy. Haha, now Nik knows what I feel like after hearing "mama" a hundred times a day!
This boy definitely has won me over. Tone' comments multiple times a week with, "You are smitten over that boy."
To which I reply, "Why yes, yes I am".
He's the cutest little pirate I know, well except for the other little pirate you had before.
I think it's funny that Nik is both a like and a dislike.
Ah, yes, you noticed:) I think it is funny too, and definitely true!
GREAT job on the cake!! LOVE it! Thanks for sharing it, I will be tucking that cake idea away for the one day we get beyond Lightning McQueen and Thomas....
yes, I am just now getting free time to actually visit my favorite web spots. Work is a HUGE lifestyle change for me!
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