Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day!

A couple weeks ago Tone' took the week off and we all went up to my dad's cabin near White Salmon, Washington for a couple days. It was a time of relaxation as we mostly read, played outside and watched a couple movies with some hot cocoa and blankets wrapped around us. We both needed that forced time to get away from our own home where all the daily demands are staring us in the face trying to keep us from any form of rest. It was nice.

We spent one day taking the boys sledding! It was not only both of their first times sledding, but also Luke's first time playing in the snow. He was beyond ecstatic:)

The expressions of happy boys

Lukey couldn't stop smiling:)

Except for when Nik threw snow in his face....

Then Luke ended up being the instigator of snow ball fights. In fact, he is often the little instigator.

Luke helped drag the sled back to the car, what a tough little boy he is.

Around January, I forget that we have mountains with lots of snow on them. Hopefully, we can make a couple more day trips to the mountains to do some more sledding as the boys had so much fun. Tone' and I had a fun time watching them having fun. It isn't quite the same fun we had when we used to go snowboarding together, but it is definitely more rewarding. I also know that in a few short years, (next year?), the boys will be able to start snowboarding with us! Man, having kids is great. We will always have an outdoor adventure buddy. So far, at least, our kids have shown that they are quite similar to their parents in their love for the outdoors and all things extreme. I thank the Lord for that blessing!

1 comment:

klyn said...

Wait, I thought you said you didn't enjoy the time at the cabin! Glad to hear that you did and it was fun to see the boys sledding. They are definitely going to be by your side in all things outdoor related.
We head to the cabin for the 4 day weekend and plan cross country ski a couple days.
I'm thinking about throwing my downstairs couch in the truck and leaving it there. What do you think? Now to find a 2nd kayak!