Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And In Everything, Give Thanks

Tone' has been praying with the boys before bed since he has been home and I just have to share what is being prayed for as it is just too cute:)

Tone' starts out by asking the boys what they are thankful for and that they can thank Jesus for these things. They both come up with different things like family, friends and their toys. So then Tone' starts praying and it goes something like this (I listened in recently):

Tone': "Dear Jesus, thank you for mommy and all the things she does for us, and thank you...."

Now here is where, every single night without fail, Lukas urgently interjects with, " that mommy gives us M&M's!". So Tone' has to thank Jesus for mommy giving them M&M's before going on, and once he does he begins again with, "and thank you...."

Then, Lukas interjects again with, "that mommy gives us chocolate chips!".

So, apparently, the way to Lukas heart is with chocolate.

Which isn't too far off the way to his mama's heart. I do prefer Dark chocolate, however....
hint, hint.


Sheri said...

Ha ha! A boy after my own heart. Maybe I should start praying about chocolate too!

klyn said...

How much chocolate do you give him?? :)

I had that obsession with pickles. I should have not crossed over into the choclate arena...

rebecca said...

I refuse to answer the "How much chocolate do you give him" question in case it may incriminate me later...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.... Chocolates! Chocolates! Chocolates! I love it.

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