We celebrated Nik's 5th birthday with the standard Train Party. Why both of my boys can't seem to get out of the train party rut is beyond me. Don't they know there are other themes we could be doing? Mainly I just want to make something other than a train cake, like a rocket ship or something, ANYTHING but another train cake. At any rate, Nikolas was very excited about having a "Rocky" train party. If you don't know your Thomas the Tank Engine trains then let me fill you in. Rocky is a crane train. He can swivel around and pick up derailed trains or move downed trees and is, as are all the trains on Sodor Island, "very useful". (Except that mean ol' Diesel 10, he's always up to no good) Isn't that right Elly? (Another small train aficionado)
Mama's rendering of Rocky.

What can you expect at one in the morning? Thankfully I had just picked up my niece Alex at 10:30 that night so she helped me decorate and prep for the morning, as well as keep me awake while I frosted. Eating a large spoonful of frosting helped too.

If you asked Nik what his favorite part of the day was he would answer with, "wrestling with my cousin and my friends". I love how little boys look up to bigger boys and young men so much. I love it even more when those bigger boys and young men will take the time to interact with the little boys, like my nephew Zachary did. He wrestled with them, played ball with them and helped them play video games. It made the little boys feel important. Thanks Zach!

One tired birthday boy snuggling with his daddy.
There was something familiar about that party. Oh yeah, trains!
It was fun and the taquitos were yummy as usual.
(The pressure to always comment is great!) :)
And I do so appreciate your comments:) Keep 'em coming!
I am happy to see Zach and Alex both returning the favor of playing with your kids and helping you after all the times you and Tone' did the same for us when they were small!
You did a wonderful job with the party food and it did indeed look as if the birthday boy had fun!
Yep, we know all about very useful engines. I see many train parties in my future as well...
he's so cute
First of all let me wish you a belated happy birthday.... And let me tell you that your train party pictures are good specially your train cake photos is nice and looks original and i hope you had enjoyed in your train party.... so good luck for your life....my best wishes with you..
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