Saturday, March 19, 2011

A New Bunk Bed and "The Rules"

The boys now have a new bunk bed, which happens to have been Kellie and mine, and they are quite ecstatic about it. Nikolas is the most ecstatic as he is the one who gets the top bunk, just like I did:)
They were both playing on the top bunk while I was changing Estie's diaper and I overheard Nikolas giving Lukas the "rules" for being on the top bunk.

Nik: Okay Lukas, rule #1: No jumping on the bed
rule #2: No rolling or you'll fall off
rule #3: no standing by the edge
rule #4: pause.....more silence....
rule #5: no throwing things off the bed
(apparently he couldn't think of anything for rule #4 so he moved on. Makes sense to a 4 year old I suppose)
rule #6: no breaking the bunk bed
rule #7: no using my blanket
rule #8: no scratching the walls with tools
rule #9: no taking my stuff out of my wall pockets
rule #10: no breaking the rules!

I walked over to their room to watch this unfold and saw Lukas' response after the last rule. He rolled, stood up and started jumping. Ha! I had to keep myself from laughing.


Sheri said...

That is FUNNY! Yeah, Nik will have his rules, and Lukas won't pay any attention to them.

Emily said...

Impressive list! I bet he came up with way more than you guys. :)

rebecca said...

funny thing Emily, we hadn't even given the boys any rules at all! Guess we don't even need to now. Except to tell Lukas he does need to follow the rules:)

klyn said...

I don't even remember having bunk bed rules! Or machete rules. Or tractor rules.
Because like Nik, we knew what the rules were already! Excellent!

They do have the Uncle John bunk bed story, right?

rebecca said...

Yes! We have warned them of Uncle John's plummet from the top bunk while reaching for his truck, hopefully that has scared them a little:)