Monday, May 16, 2011

Now Here's A New One

The moment I was born I began aquiring freckles. I'm pretty sure my face was covered by the time I was eight, so whenever someone points them out to me I am always taken off guard since I don't notice I have them unless I'm really examing my face in the mirror. Those who know me well know that I don't often examine my face in the mirror (I'm a brush my teeth, comb my hair and fly out the door kind of gal), so I really don't think about my skin color(s) too much. Leave it to a three year old, however, to remind me.

Lukas: "Mama, why you have giraffes on your face?"

Mama: "Giraffes?.....OHHHH, you mean freckles!"

Well, it does make sense really. Especially to a three year old.


Sheri said...

That's great! Wasn't Nik's question about your Peckles? I know I did that page already.

Chelsea said...

That's so cute! When Soleil was learning the word "freckle", she'd always forget the "le" part. So in the middle of Winco, she started pointing at my face saying "Freck! Freck!" Meanwhile all these people are looking at me like "What is that little girl saying?" I wanted to sink into the floor! Giraffes seems much nicer! :)

rebecca said...

that's hilarious!