For the second year in a row the boys and I, along with niece, Alex, and baby Estie, loaded ourselves into my trusty minivan and headed on a 4ooo mile journey. Our final destination would be Oklahoma for a family reunion on my moms side with a couple stops in Colorado to visit more family.

Road trips, to me, always sound like an adventure waiting to happen. Then we get about 500 miles into it and I start banging my head on the steering wheel telling myself, "Next time; we're flying.".

We do end up having some pretty fun adventures, however, which makes me thankful that I have road trip driving amnesia the next time I think about another one. This trip was tops on my boys list of pretty cool adventures. After camping near Boise, Idaho, we then drove all day and made it to my moms cousins home in Colorado around midnight. The next day the boys lived every boys dream. Their first adventure was riding on the 4 wheeler with cousin Ronda. Nikolas knew we were on a farm so he had his lasso at the ready. You never know when you might find something to lasso.

Like a rooster!

We then headed over to my Great Aunt Betty's 100 year old home, which is just a stone's throw (albeit a rather long throw) from Ronda's. There, the boys climbed all over the three different tractors she still has and I'm sure they were wishing with all their might that they could drive one.

Boys don't get to have all the fun!
Estella met her Great Great Aunt Betty.
Ronda's farm is right next to her mom's and her brother. So she drives the 4 wheeler all over the place. The boys LOVED it. Nikolas kept telling people: "I rode on the 4 wheeler without a seatbelt or a helmet!". Most of the states we drove through don't have helmet laws so they weren't too sure what all the fuss was.
Okay, this was for cute baby pictures only.
I didn't actually put her in this while they were driving around!

But really, how cute is she?!
The rest of our time there the boys enjoyed farm life.
They chased chickens.

Helped feed all the animals.

Gathered the eggs.

And had an absolutely wonderful and memorable time.
It looks like all the driving in between was worth the fun. They sure love farms.
Hmm,I'm already planning next year's road trip for my family!
Let's see what we can plan together - somewhere in early July to someplace that will have warmth and sun...
UTAH! Oh, you mean somewhere new? Fine. Southern UTAH!
I was thinking a water park themed road trip...
True, we could do Southern Utah, but ONLY if we can drive through Nevada! I am so sick and tired of driving through S. Idaho and N Utah.
Just wait till you drive through Nevada. I have done my most serious banging of the head on the dashboard driving though Nevada. There is NOTHING to look at. But i am sick of the same old route as well, hmmmm, we could make it a long trip and go through oregon and california and then over. I've done that a few times as well. This is when it would be nice to live on the east coast, huh?
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