Saturday, June 18, 2011

Taking Care Of His Wheels

Nikolas rode his bike through some mud puddles the last time it rained and so his bike was good and dirty. He isn't too keen on dirt on his new "Shark" bike so he turned his cap backwards, grabbed a rag and started cleaning his set of wheels.

Five is an interesting age. He seems so grown up sometimes, like when he takes care of cleaning his own toys and when he opens the door for me because he sees I am carrying Estie and multiple other things. He is able to help me out in many ways now and we are also giving him a little more freedom. Then, when I begin to think he has become a rational little person, something will not go his way and he erupts into a sobbing little boy. Part toddler/part big kid. Hmmm, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde come to mind....

I wouldn't trade this time with Nikolas for anything, though. He's my little right hand man and even though there are still tantrums at times I know this phase of his life is quickly fading. I'm going to miss his little boyhood as he grows into a bigger elementary kid. With him being the oldest every stage he enters is still new to me and Tone', so I'm not quite sure what is in store for us every year. What if next year he doesn't need his special "kiki" (blanket) anymore, or what if he loses interest in Thomas the Tank Engine, or what if he doesn't want me to "just sit by me, mama" anymore?

I'm sure I'll enjoy the next stage in many ways as well, but this summer, I'm going to cherish every minute with my little five year old boy.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

He is so intent on cleaning his bike. And what? He may actually lose interest in Thomas the Train? I found a Thomas tent I was thinking of getting him for graduation.