Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cooling Off in the Clackamas

After three days of 100 plus degree weather in Portland the boys and I and our spontaneous friend, Sheri, decided to head to the Clackamas River for a picnic and swimming. We were so glad we did as it was a lot of fun and felt absolutely wonderful!

Auntie Shewi, as the boys call her, spoiled us with a rotisserie chicken, her yummy broccoli/cauliflower salad, Kettle chips and watermelon. We stuffed ourselves to the gills and then went swimming. Luckily, we were only in one foot of water.

Upon arriving at the river the boys immediately waded in and started fishing for rocks to throw. We had some narrow misses of little noggins as the boys don't have the most accurate throws down yet. In fact, Luke winds up and throws with all his might and somehow the rock ends up behind him! I'm not sure how that works but it does remind me of the days when I was young and played goalie and would drop kick the ball backwards and into my own goal:(

The boys love their Auntie Sheri as she is still a big kid at heart and doesn't hesitate when Lukas grabs her by the finger and drags her into the water. His ultimate goal was to get her to lie down in the water so he could climb on her back and stand up. It was just about the cutest thing ever and we were laughing our heads off:)

Aaawwwwwww, so refreshing!
We spent about an hour just "swimming" in the river, up the "waterfalls" and away from the alligators. Oh, and the sharks. And I think there were some bears involved as well....
This trip to the river with my boys reminded me of when I was young and my mom would take us kids to the Clackamas and we would spend hours swimming, throwing rocks and carving little "homes" in the sand cliffs. I can still see her sitting on the rivers edge with her feet dangling in the water as she watched us play, until that is, a crawdad decided to nibble on her toes! How fun it would be if she were still with us as I know she would have been right there in the water swimming around with her grandsons.

The End

1 comment:

Sheri said...

It was actually Nik who got me to swim around on my stomach in 6 inches of water. He called it "swimming". I had to remove a few large rocks that were sticking up in order to comply. Then Lukas took advantage of the situation and tried some circus manuevers.