Six moons after the evil Darth Papa left the Gibson Galaxy
to remodel a distant space station called, Fred Meyer,
he returned one short weekend to reclaim his rule
from the young Jedi's in Training Pants. He
heard from Queen I'mtheMama that they
had been collaborating together to
overthrow her rule by refusing
to wear clothes, taking over
her bed and eating all of
her ice cream. This
rebellion had to
be stopped!
to remodel a distant space station called, Fred Meyer,
he returned one short weekend to reclaim his rule
from the young Jedi's in Training Pants. He
heard from Queen I'mtheMama that they
had been collaborating together to
overthrow her rule by refusing
to wear clothes, taking over
her bed and eating all of
her ice cream. This
rebellion had to
be stopped!
The fighting begins:
Luke I'maWalker contemplates his next move:

Batman, er...RiNIKulas, (as in: Nikolas the Ridiculous), holding Darth Papa at bay:
While Luke I'maWalker continues to do what he does best: Look contemplatively cute

In spite of his extensive knowledge of the force, and his skill with a light saber, Darth Papa is growing weary while the young Jedi continues to fight relentlessly.

The battle is over

Papa must return to his Far, Far Away Home. It won't
be long, though, my young padiwon learners, before
the Evil Darth Papa returns, and with him, will
come order to your universe, once again.
Order, in the form of a wooden
Looks like Luke ImaWalker needs some training. He usually is wildly waving a broom or something and managing to take out the good and bad guys. But I can't resist the cuteness.
I missed the movie where Batman was there, must be one I have waiting on my DVR.
At 2:42 am, I'd be lucky to keep my eyes open, forget being this stinking creative. You are a great boy's mama, Rebecca!!
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