I have become a thorn in my husbands side as each book he brings home and starts to delve into I soon after pick it up and start reading it as well. Then, (and this is what pokes his skin) I pass him up as I have more time to read than he does, (not to mention that I stay up until all hours of the night reading as well). To make matters worse I always take something to read whenever we go anywhere, even if it is 14 minutes to church, and so I will be reading HIS book and then he has to hear my reactions to what is happening (something like: "gasp!", "Oh my!" "Sick!") of which he, being the type of person who goes hunting for Christmas presents guy that he is, will DEMAND that I tell him what is happening . Even if I AM 10 chapters ahead of where he currently is. So then I, being the type who hates to ruin surprises and absolutely does not want to know what I am getting for Christmas before I actually open the present, tries to play down my sudden expression of shock over what happened in the book and instead tells him as little as possible while giving just a tiny little peak into what lays ahead in order to satisfy his curiosity. Phew!!! It is a rather exhausting ordeal and I am always quite relieved when we both finish the book, but then he brings home another one and the process starts all over again.
I would love to copy my sister's family as they all read a few chapters out of a book together each night, but I just couldn't keep myself from reading ahead while Tone' was away.
It's a sickness.....I got it from my father. Yes, that's right, I'm blaming you Dad. It's a good sickness, though!
Moving on.... where'd Lukey go????

There he is!

Tone's reading list so far: (and mine, by default)
Endurance: Amazing true story of Ernest Shackleton and a group of men whose ship became stuck in the ice on the way to the South Pole. They survived on seals and penguins for 2 years in bitter cold WITHOUT Gortex!
Adrift: True story about a guy whose ship sunk in 1982 and he floated in his life raft for 76 days! He lived on 36 fish and birds that he caught with a makeshift speargun, all the while fending off sharks and other creatures trying to dump him overboard. So much more to the story you simply must read this!
Into Thin Air: (Actually, Tone' hasn't read it yet, (but I have, heh heh))
True story of one of the worst climbing accidents in history. The first hand account of why 12 climbers died on Everest and what that night was like. I can tell you that I have no desire to climb mountains again. Ever. Let's just say that I never want to be in a place so cold that my eyeballs could freeze in place and I would be alive but not able to move them. No thanks. But it was a really gripping read!
Know of any great adventure reading for Tone' (and me:))???
Leave a comment! or you could email me....or call....or text....but no faxes-that's so last century.
I already gave it to you guys..The Gold of Heaven. But of course as i run across more I'll send them your way.
A Fellow Bookworm...
As I am reading the 1800 classics this year (Red Badge of Courage will be Week 6)- I must be sticking with the faxes. :)
So, does he (you) prefer real life accounts?
I do have fiction suggestions: I really liked Tom Morrissey's scuba diving themed Yucatan Deep. In High Places is his rock climbing one. I have both.
Clive Clussler is my favorite adventure writer. Of course, like James Bond, he always gets the girl, so I read them with a grain of salt.
And, some of the family aren't really into the quaint family book we are reading right now about two kids running away to New York. Half would prefer the next installment of the graphic, albiet ethical, pirate books of Wayne Thomas Batson.
"My sixteenth trans-Atlantic crossing under full sail was fairly uneventful, with the exception of glancing off a basking whale about 600 miles to the east of Bermuda."
That's the opening line of one of my favorites. It sets a sailing and survival tale in motion which I found very compelling - nearly unbelievable.
Yes, Sheri, my person library:)
Oooohhh, pirate books are always fun!
Steve, I'm going to see if the library has that one, it would be right up Tone's current reading interest. THanks!
Talk to Scott about some reads....we/he is a bookworm too but he has to OWN them! Or someone in his family owns it and they then pass it around. So we have a few you may be able to borrow if interested. Come check out our "library" some time. :)
I hope I am partially to blame for getting Tone' started on this genre with my recommendation of "Kon-Tiki" a couple years ago. Keep up the bookin
In fact, I should have put that in the list of books he has read as that IS the one that started it all! You are to blame:)
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