I just saw this book recently and thought it was one I could use often.
It is described as a book that "tells you what to do when any kind of food or drink is.....
overcooked, undercooked, stale, burned, lumpy, salty, bland, too spicy, mushy, too dry, too wet, flat, tough, too thick, too thin, wilted, collapsed, curdled or stuck together." In other words, things that go wrong in my kitchen on a regular basis.
I am the first to admit that I am not a natural born cook.
I really only began cooking (and by "cooking" I mean that I make most of the meal from scratch which doesn't include Bisquick, instant anything or those convenient boxed pasta mixes) after I had Nikolas. Before that it was a lot of eating out, stir-fry and yes, the boxed pasta mixes with chicken tenderloins. Somehow my sister learned enough cooking from our mom before she left home at 18 and was able to cook whole meals from scratch. She once told me that she didn't even realize buying chicken frozen and in parts was an option till she was older. She always started with a whole chicken. I, however, had no idea how to cook a chicken whole and thought everyone, except my mom, bought frozen chicken breast. The funny part about that is that we raised our own chickens and every so often my dad would introduce a chicken or three to his newly sharpened axe. Then, after chasing the headless chickens around the yard for a while, I would sit at the picnic table with my mom and sister plucking feathers. I suppose I then went off to play in the woods or splash in the creek while Kellie and mom went in to finish the chicken cleaning and cooking, because I have no memories of what went on with those chickens once we defeathered them.
My lack of kitchen appearances didn't stop with just chickens either. I never learned to make cookies or bread or sauces or how to brown ground beef. I might have boiled noodles....maybe... ....once. Apparently I spent most of my time outside while growing up and left being quite proficient at swinging a machette at those pesky blackberry bushes. Machette swinging doesn't carry over into daily life very well, though. If only reality shows like Survivor had been around back then!
Now that I've been a stay-at-home mom for nearly five years I think I have graduated into the realm of cooking to say that I actually can cook. I now know how to make a rue, how to fake buttermilk using regular milk and apple cider vinegar, how to make my own cream of mushroom soup, and yes, I even know how to make cookies! I do, however, still have cooking and baking mishaps. It is then that I rely on three friends for advice: Kate, Sheri and my sister Kellie. In fact, just tonight I called my sister for tips on how to make a coconut cream pie for my brothers 40th birthday. (How can he be 40?! Even though he is 5 1/2 years older than me, him turning 40 means it is that much closer for me! Yikes!) I've never eaten a coconut cream pie let alone made one, so I looked up some recipes and then called Kellie for any other words of wisdom. I went to work on making the pie and everything was going well until I dumped all the coconut into the mixture and then immediately realized that I hadn't toasted the coconut yet. Nuts. Start over or spoon as much of the coconut out and then toast it? Hmmmm.... this is where the book would have come in handy.
Well, I ended up spooning it out and toasting, 2 different batches as I burned the first one, and then added it back in. It's cooling now, so we'll see how it all turns out. I'm sure glad there are going to be other desserts at John's party!
That book would be handy for all of us as mishaps happen. Did it have any suggestions on yogurt? (WINK)
You are doing great at cooking and I am rarely fearful when I come over for dinner! Hee hee!
You are hilarious! It's hard to believe that your excellent mom didn't pass her cooking on to you. I can still see her look of incredulity when I tried to toss out a completely picked-over Thanksgiving turkey carcass. She took it home and probably fed you for 3 days off of it!
BTW, growing older isn't so bad. I'm running marathon #9 in 2 weeks, at 50, and planning on getting a personal best time.
The coconut cream pie was delicious! Hilarious that you had to remove the coconut :) I always do the dump and go method, then spend a lot of time separating partially mixed food items after I have read the recipe.
Um...I don't really know what happened to the chickens after being defeathered either - I think I climbed a tree with my sketch pad or a book!
Mom's detailed recipes and meal plans helped me through the dinners I was in charge of once she started working.
When I started cooking for Chad and I, we ate dinner in stages: salad, cooked veggie, starch, then finally the meat when it finished cooking!
sheri, did you just make yogurt?!!!
Haha! I can believe that happened with the turkey carcass:) She was incredibly frugal, though I didn't realize she was until I became a grown up. I never felt like we sacrificed anything throughout her frugalness, I just thought that was what every mom did! And, you are amazing. I am hoping I am climbing at 50 as well as you are running at 50!
yes, you having to cook while we were at home was a good thing. That is where being the baby of the family didn't pay off in the long run for me. (Though I wouldn't trade having been the baby for anything:))
Um, I still cook in stages....I have a ways to go.
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