Christmas Crack

Nikolas bearing the firstborn responsibility of carrying the saw.
He was quite proud of himself:)
He was quite proud of himself:)

Where's Lukas?!

Nikolas claimed this tree,
too bad it was too short for mommy's standards.
too bad it was too short for mommy's standards.

Talk about a happy boy!

The farm we went to has a little barn with two "reindeer", a llama and some other creature I can't remember right now. Nik liked them, but Lukas, our little horse fan, wouldn't even go inside the barn.

The finished product!

but once inside the imperfections become glaringly obvious?
I'm going to just admit here that this was a bit hard for me to relinquish control of the tree decorating. I was given the task of decorating the Christmas tree when I was 15 and no longer had a brother or sister at home to help. (Not that I remember John ever decorating the tree...but maybe), so then when I married I happily took over decorating the tree to my own liking. After 8 years of marriage before children I had a system and a certain way I wanted the tree to look. Now that the boys are a little older and actually want to help I want to encourage that attitude of helpfulness, but it makes me cringe a little as they are reaching for the breakable ornaments or the ones of sentimental value. I know I don't have to let them hang the breakable ones, and I do steer them towards the paper and plastic versions, but I also don't want to be overbearing and make decorating the tree a stressful time. So I just repeat, "My boys are more important than things" over and over the violin ornament my mom gave me when I played the violin gets dropped and bent.
My boys are more important than things.
My boys are more important than things.
My boys are more important than things.
My boys are more important than things.
My boys are more important than things.
It looks beautiful!
Kids only decorate with their ornaments in our house! Still! Even though they are 14 and almost 19. But, I don't usually move them after they hang them to "better" spots anymore.
John does have a nice saw scar from the honor of carrying the saw... I still don't carry the saw because of that!
Oh Lukas! I guess we should've started telling you early not to do drugs! That crack is so cute!
Hmmm, what a dilemma, make good Christmas memories or have the tree of your dreams!
Love this post. I can totally relate... I think your tree turned out beautifully.
Oh, and this is the same farm we got our tree from on Monday! They didn't have the animals, but they were open which was the biggest draw. The downpour was the low point, but definitely memorable. :)
That first picture …LOL. Brilliant!
Lolz The 1st Pic is awesome
Loved it
Lovely posts!
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