I started New Years early this year and made a resolution at the end of November that I would do a Christmas activity or craft everyday of December. I am happy to report that I have actually been keeping this resolution so far!
Here are some of our crafts we have done so far:
Tissue Paper Snowman

I just cut out the circles and attached the contact paper. They did the rest! (Though I did point to where Lukas should stick his carrot and hat) I think tissue paper crafts like this are my all time favorite craft. I always have the material on hand, they don't take much prep work and once I get the shape cut out and backed with contact paper I can move on to other things while they work on their creations for at least 15-20 minutes.
Cottonball Snowmen

Notice how the goofy looking one with the eye on its lower body and the hat upside down was created by the 4 year old. That is what the snowman would have looked like had Lukas not had me pointing to where things should go, but I figured that Nikolas would know where eyes belong and which way a hat goes. Apparently not. I like it, though, and next craft we do I'm leaving Lukas to his own devices:)

Hand Print Christmas Trees

I cut a tree shape out of paper bags and then had them paint their trees green. Then, while we waited for the paint to dry I traced their hands onto construction paper and then cut them out. They were in charge of gluing their hands to the tree.
I love how these turned out and they look really cute taped to our window. I'll be keeping these in their keepsake boxes for sure!

Reindeer Ornaments

This one is a pretty well known craft. They colored their sticks and then I put the hot glue on and they stuck everything together.
Hand and Foot Print Reindeers

This one is another keeper! I love their little handprints for the antlers:) Next time I would paste the hands behind the feet prints as then I could see their little toes as well.
We also did some easy Foamies crafts and have gone to look at some pretty fantastic Christmas lights as well as getting our tree the other day and decorating. I have a list of other crafts and activities I want to do in the coming days, and it's a good thing as Lukas has started asking for crafts now. He says, "We do crafts now, Mommy?" and then runs to my craft bins looking for things.
I really hope to stay motivated with this December resolution so if you have any cute and simple ideas for me to try let me know!
I found many of the craft ideas from various homeschooling blogs found
here and
What a great idea!
I am starting to think about ruthlessly going through the craft drawers. You should be here for that. Or, wait till A leaves in Jan and come go through her craft hordes!
I always had to leave the room when my kids did crafts because it is really hard for me to see hats on upside down!
K-I totally understand, I have to take deep breaths while they are crafting.
And, YES, I do need to be there to go through your craft drawers, and I think it would be a great idea to wait until A is back at college:)
Wow I love the idea.I will do in the next Christmas.Thank for sharing.
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