Truly, it is such a peaceful retreat from this fast paced world we live in. There is no phone, which means no internet. I know! Can you imagine?! Our cell phones don't even work there. We go up there and have no idea what is going on the world. It's really quite funny.

The moment we arrived the boys started collecting rocks and sticks. Who needs toys?!

He's not quite big enough to be out by himself on a little boat, yet is old enough to know he's missing out on an adventure.

Just before dinner time our friends, Ed, Emily and their two kids Elly and Evan arrived. They are outdoor enthusiasts as well, so we knew they would enjoy the cabin with us. Elly jumped right into the action and started helping Lukas row the dock. They just may have thought they were going somewhere. You never know with three year olds.

Lukas is only 6 months older than Elly and they are in the same class for Sunday School, but it took this weekend to realize they are both the "same age". I think it's because a six month old is so much further ahead then a newborn and it continues like that for a few months so I had forgotten how close they are in age. This weekend was a hilarious eye opener. They were so cute together and have the same tiny little voices and thought processes. Plus, Elly is the same height as Lukas, which is unusual for his little buddies.

A bonus feature to Ed and Emily coming was that they brought Emily's parents new kayaks!
Combined with Tone's kayak we have at the cabin it made for some fun outings on the lake together.

The guys were generous enough to let us ladies take the first trip out. AAAhhhhh, it was so quiet and peaceful......

Three out of five looking isn't too bad!
I am a little jealous that you are going to take over my role of going to the cabin the most out of the siblings. I do plan on at least two weeks there this summer, so maybe I'll still be "ahead" of you in nights stayed!
Beautiful pictures and such a fun time with three kayaks! Really, 8 months without Tone' available OR a kayak. I, of course, am rooting for the kayak, but I do understand that the 8 months would be rather long..... I'll give you my daughter in exchange!!! :)
I'll take her!
And sorry, but we have been staying three to four days each time so....maybe we'll be even. It is a little funny to suddenly be so enthused about it after all these years of not being. Kids do change a person, don't they?!
But, would I then get to keep the kayak?
I do not even know who I was before I had kids, so I have no idea if they changed me, but I do think it is more that the priorities change.
You still do a lot of what you did before, just now you cook and don't spend as much money! That is a definite positive! Yay!
um, can you change the time on my post like you do on your posts so it doesn't look like I am up so late.... :)
This made me think of you and your family out kayaking
Spendy, but its fun to dream right?
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