Friday, July 15, 2011

Oh Brother

Estie: "Will they always be like this?"
Mama: "Yes, I'm afraid so. Even when they are 40. Trust me, I know."

"But the good outweighs the bad. They will be fun to build forts with, play soccer, climb trees with and so much more. Just be sure to hide your favorite dolls. And never, I repeat, NEVER, go outside when they are playing air soft guns with their friends or you might end up being the target. Eventually, however, you will all grow up and chances are you will really enjoy each others company, and you can laugh together about the "good old days", because brothers really are fun. Trust me, I know that from experience as well:) ".

And now a note to my own brother:
Love you John! I'm so thankful you're my brother and I'm so glad we are friends as adults. I always looked up to you (even when you had me in tickle mode) and I still do, and not just in height! Thanks for having us over so often and I especially appreciate how much you and your family love on my boys and now little Estie too. Thank you!!!
Love, your littlest sister

1 comment:

Sheri said...

There's always the possibility that she can hold her own, just like her mama. And become a champion eye roller.