Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Toe Sucker

We have a toe sucker in our midst.

Luckily she doesn't walk yet, or even crawl, so it is really cute at this point.

Unlike when the boys show me how they can suck on their toes as well.

Their grimy, black little toes.

Not so cute.

The good thing about toe sucking versus thumb sucking is that eventually her legs will get longer and she won't be as flexible and it will be more difficult to pop those delicious little toes in her mouth. Unless she is like my niece, Alex, who should be in the circus for her incredibly bendable body.
I really wonder what she is thinking..... It looks as though she has taken off her leg and is holding it.

Mmmmm, squeaky clean little toes to suck on!

She is trying to stick her entire foot into her mouth.

Funny baby.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

You're right, little girl dressed in pink and brown, very cute! Two little boys with grimy feet and hands, not so cute. I can't wait to scrap this one. I better get back to it!