Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cabin on a Mudflat

The first week of August the kids and I joined my dad and Sue for the last night on the lake before they drained it. We arrived a little late in the evening so I didn't have a chance to get out in the kayak one last time. I thought we might have time in the morning before it started going down, but when we awoke the next morning; the lake was no more!

It was very surreal. No more lake? Ever? How sad.

Now what?

Remember my fear of things that lurk in the deep?


These little eels were found everywhere on the lake floor. They apparently had been there living in the mud and we didn't even know it! Shudder.

The boys took no time in heading out into the mud. They were, after all, following their grandfathers footsteps. In which he almost lost his boot. They took their shoes off, but, um, remember the eels? No thanks. Have fun boys, I'll be here on rocky shore.

He's tromping.

And then they discovered the more you jump in one spot the more squishy it becomes.

So of course belly flops were in order.
Until an eel rose to the surface of the mud,


But that didn't stop them.

I kept thinking of "The Neverending Story".

At least there is a creek still which is actually better for young boys anyway.

We had to hose them off before they were allowed back in the cabin. It reminded my dad of when John, Kellie and I used to come back from playing in the mud near our little dam at the farm when we were young. Mom used to hose us off too. All kids have ever really needed for entertainment: mud and someone to play in it with. In spite of all our 21st century technology, kids really just need to get outside and be allowed to get dirty. In fact, it apparently never gets old as the Warrior Dashes Kellie has been doing lately are extremely popular all over the country! Kellie, you could save money and just join my boys in the mudflats!

Except there is still the issue of the eels......

1 comment:

klyn said...

I have yet to come up from the Warrior Dash mud or the bog with a creature. Shudder. I really don't plan to jump in any mud at the cabin, but I am so curious to see it in person.