Saturday, August 20, 2011

Estella is 6 Months Old!

Half a year old! It's such a mixture of emotions when your baby grows older. I love seeing them discovering and learning new things. I love that they are gaining more and more independence and are needing me a little less. I love sleeping more:)
At the same time, however, I don't want her to get any bigger. I love my little baby girl and how she gives everyone the biggest smiles ever with her bright blue eyes shining. I love how she nuzzles into my neck when she is tired. I love how many naps she takes:)

With every month, though, I feel like it couldn't get any better. Yet, it does! So keep growing baby Estie! I'm so thankful I'm the one who was blessed to be your mama!

Adoring brother looking on:)

Where did those gorgeous eyes come from?!

Yes, she is in a tutu.
I can't help myself, I actually have the urge to dress her in girly clothes.
Perhaps I'm making up for my own lack of girlyness?

Boy did she enjoy this!

Awwww, what a cutie...

or not.

Yay! A good picture of mama and baby!

Another good one!

I need to hang out with other women with cameras more often.

I end up being in the pictures!

So this is what is going on back there....

what a hilarious look!

speaking of hilarious looks!

Have I mentioned how much I adore this little girl?!


Sheri said...

I think someone has taken over your blog and your baby. There is an amazing amount of pink and foofiness. It just causes me some concern...just saying. I can't get over the cuteness.

klyn said...

Ha! It is a little disconcerting - all the pink and oohing and aahing. She is a darling girl!