Sunday, July 19, 2009

Little Mouseketeers In Training

Lukas and his two little buddies,Logan and Nathan, are going to be fun to watch grow up together. It will be interesting to see if they end up following around their big brothers or if they end up forging their own paths through childhood.
They do pretty well at entertaining themselves, so I think they just might end up doing their own thing instead of tagging along with the big boys.

Lukas, as we all know, loves to kiss and was trying to kiss Logan who then hugged him as tight as he could until they both tumbled to the ground.

One year olds are such fun:)

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Mooowhaaaa! Lukas, the phantom kisser. Well, not really, he doesn't sneak up, just lays it on you.
Those boys are so cute!