Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Month Old!

Estella is a month old already!
I found these little owl stickers that have a number for each month up to 12 so we can keep track of her growth. Aren't they adorable?! I need to find a some other object to put her by so her growth is more obvious.
She now weighs 10 pounds and has grown 3/4 ths of an inch making her 20 and 3/4th inches. I couldn't believe she was 10 pounds! She is going to surpass her brothers for sure growing like that. She is in the 75th percentile for her weight. The boys have never been in that percentile so it will be funny to see where she is next time.
I'm loving having a little girl as there are just so many cute things to dress her in and to buy for her. I'm especially having fun decorating her room in owls.
She is sleeping well the first half of the night currently, unfortunately, she doesn't sleep at all the last half. I'm going to go a bit crazy if that doesn't change. She has two months and then it's training time.


Sheri said...

Ohhh, how cute! (the baby and the owl) I can't wait to get started on some owls myself.

rebecca said...

Yay! I can't wait to see those creations of yours as well:)

klyn said...

You definitely should have an object next to her to show growth through the years - we did the giraffe chair and a Christmas stocking for Alex, but didn't follow through with Zachary.