Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Global Warming, eh?

That's funny, I can't remember ever having a full week of snow on the floor of Portland before, but here we are, stuck in our little purple house with snow drifts all around us. Global warming isn't the point of this post though, as much fun as that would be I would probably just end up offending some with my unPortland thinking on the subject. (The only global warming this earth is going to see will be from the hand of God) Oops, I guess I just voiced my opinion on the matter, oh well, we'll see what comments I get. :)

Moving on....
We have continued to bake cookies as I am really trying this year to bake a variety so I can take them around to our wonderful neighbors. It is something I want to do every year and every year I never get around to it. This year I at least have been making a concerted effort, however, I didn't realize how much time and effort it takes to make lots of different cookies, especially with a "helpful" two year old and a baby who won't nap.

Tone' helped on Sunday by being in charge of the boys. Daddies are very helpful in that way:)We ended up with around 4 dozen sugar cookies and two dozen oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
Not exactly what I was hoping to accomplish, but the sugar cookies took a bit longer to decorate than I expected. I plan on making some Foldover Apricot cookies and some ginger snaps and hopefully something chocolaty and then I may actually fulfill a lifelong goal of delivering a plate of cookies to neighbors! Oh, how I hope it happens!!!

Tone' was feeling a little cooped up so he went outside and shoveled pathways and put chains on the car. This picture was taken Sunday before the next round of snow came down. At one point we all took a cookie break and went outside to play. Lukas wasn't too sure about it all. He just sat there sucking on his hood string watching Nikolas run around like a goofball.

Nik figured out that it is pretty funny to throw snowballs at mama and daddy.
Where's White Thunder?

Tone' named his little white car, "White Thunder" a while back, right now it looks more like a "White Cloud".
Two wheel drive pick-ups aren't very handy in the snow. It has just been sitting there for the last week as Tone' has been taking the van leaving me cooped up in the house. I haven't started to pull my hair out, yet. I do love snow and i am loving the time to be at home, baking cookies and cleaning the house, but can I just say, "THIS SURE IS CUTTING INTO MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!".

Tone' and I even piled everyone into the van this evening and somehow maneuvered out of our driveway, (it was hairy for a while there) and headed to the mall. Unfortunately we only had time for one store as the mall decided to close early:( Not only that, but on the way we must have hit a snow bank a wee bit too hard and cracked, punctured, broke the fuel line or something associated with gas as we started smelling gas on the freeway and all the way back home:(( Then we kind of bumped the house a bit as we were barrelling into our driveway and knocked a shingle loose and put some lovely purple on my lovely green van. (I won't say who was driving so as to spare the guilty party) This just adds to the cost of this week of snow here in Portland, Oregon as a tiny little crack on my windshield couldn't handle the freezing temperatures and decided to form a nice long crack alllllllll the way across.
I'm ready to just stay put now for the long hall until we get back to our regularly scheduled driving conditions.
Hope you all are staying safe and not experiencing any frozen pipes or stuck cars or anything else that results from abnormal Oregon weather.

Merry Christmas!


melissa said...

I totally understand about the time consuming cookie thing. I just discovered a new sugar cookie recipe myself,which is simpler, and I now put them through my cookie press and sprinkle some colored sugar on them. Not as fun maybe- but way tidier and takes 1/4 of the time. Also, if you roll them out between a folded piece of parchment paper, you don't need to spread the flour all over counters/tables/floors. Just a tip from a mom of three who HATES huge cookie messes all over my kitchen. Your cookies are delightful however and I totally give you props for going to all that work with babies around! You're a better woman than me!

rebecca said...

No way Melissa, I have a long way to go before I even begin to approach your level of cooking and baking and such. In fact, i just pulled out my espresso maker, (thank you so much) and attempted to make an eggnog latte. Um, it was okay, but I was totally thinking of you the whole time i was drinking it. I need another lesson. Or three.
Thanks for the cookie tip!

melissa said...

We'd have to call in a professional to instruct us on the latte thing as I've given them up- except when Starbucks does it for me- and have switched to straightforward coffee from the pot.
But we could at least go to a Starbucks and spend a worthy 5 minutes paying close attention to how they do it, with no real intention of ever doing it ourselves. This makes room for actually enjoying the coffee and conversation.

Rachel said...

Ha. We have the same problem with the two-wheel drive pick-up. We've been down to one vehicle, too. Blah!

Katinka said...

I thought I was going to go crazy! And my pipes froze twice. (I've always been an overachiever) Now they don't seem to be working correctly. I don't think the water should be brown and just trickle into the washing machine.
I also decided that I did not get the snow shoveling gene from my Dad, I wimped out quickly.