Monday, December 15, 2008

Nikolas, You Had It Coming

This picture just cracks me up. I love how I am just oblivious to what is going on between them and I love how Luke seems to know just what he is doing. Nikolas has no idea what he is up against. Lukas is 11 months old and only weighs two pounds less than Nik. Nikolas is constantly harrassing Luke so I don't feel sorry in the least for him.

Nikolas, you better start being nicer to your "little" brother!


Katinka said...

He has that twinkle in his eye that says I can't wait until I can walk. Watch out Nik! Plus he has that innocent look so he'll be hard to catch.

kate said...

that is classic and one to be framed

Melinda said...

Awesome picture!!!!!!Nick is definately going to have to learn to toughen up with Luke for a brother.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness...I just love the candid shots!