Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where's the Hose?

We let Lukas try feeding himself with a spoon and it was a pretty hilarious event.

He actually did pretty well and, surprisingly, yogurt even found its way into his mouth.
Woohoo, look at me! I'm using a spoon!
All right, forget the spoon, I'm gonna lick the bowl instead.
Where's the baby?!
There he is!
If only my tongue were just a little bit longer.
And the final product.
I asked Tone' if he wanted to clean the boy and his words were, "Where's the hose?"
He ended up taking a rare bath after this episode.


Emily said...

Lukas looks pretty pleased with himself. Ed likes reading your blog, but I'm going to have to keep him away from this post. Let's just say he doesn't do well with sticky situations.

klyn said...

Tone' was always the first to give Zach baths - a pro - but you do sorely need a real bathtub. It'd make the bathtimes not so few and far between!

He is looking so grown up! Can it really be just under a month since I've seen him!

Katinka said...

I just want to kiss his fat cheeks. But that's normal. It's terrible the lengths he has to go to to get his parents to give him a bath!