Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beep, Beep!

My friend, Kristie, made ten of these Lightning McQueen cars for her sons' 3rd birthday party that we attended recently and she let us take one home. Isn't she crafty?! I think that is the coolest party favor ever and that wasn't even the real party favor!
Nikolas and Luke had hours of fun playing with their new car at home the next day. Now the pressure is on to make something similar for Nik's Thomas the Tank Engine party I am beginning to plan.
We'll see how that goes.


klyn said...

These are great!!
Reminds me of all our cars we made for drive-in movie nights with the Sparks!
You might want to focus on one big Thomas - happen to have a refrigerator box lying around? Maybe tail someone home from the appliance store?

Kristie Herdener said...

I'm so glad your boys are having fun with it!

It did turn out as a nice party favor.

Overall it is inexpensive to make, triples as decoration, entertainment for the party and a party favor!

My biggest piece of advice -- START NOW if you are making very many of these little buggers. My hand cramped from spray painting! I used 4 cans of spray paint for 10 boxes and probably could have done another coat on them. The box tops were glossy so I hand painted on primer first -- the spray paint wasn't covering up the oranges on the box at all. I did the spray painting in one sunny day -- sprayed 5. Stopped to primer the other 5 then sprayed them. The "detailing" I spread out over 3 weeks or so.

A lot of work but I so would do it again -- I did do them for my oldest son's 4th bday as Fire Trucks.