Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nik's New "Crib"

Nikolas has a new big boy bed that he is excited about, however, don't call it a "bed" or you will here some rather loud disagreement coming from one little almost three year old. Apparently, it reminds him of his crib, which was white and had the same similar looking bars on it, so Nik thinks it is a bigger version of his beloved crib.

Whatever floats your boat, Nik.

Or rather, crib.....

I am pretty proud of myself for finding this bed as it matches the rest of his room so well, and the best part is that it was only $15!

Yep, garage sale last summer. I only went to maybe three garage sales in 2008 which makes this find even more amazing.

* Warning! Naked baby alert coming up!!!

Little brother Lukas loves Nik's new bed! We put him up on it after putting it all together and Luke crawled from one end of the bed to the other over and over again. It was super cute:) Of course, anything he does is super cute and especially when he is naked.

I am noticing something as I look at this picture..... he really has quite a large melon on top of that little body. Hope he grows into that....


Rachel said...

Wow, $15? Good find! LOVE the lamp, by the way. :)

klyn said...

I think Lukas is getting leaner! Must be the back and forth crawling on the long, low-slung, not-at-all-bedlike crib.

Katinka said...

I can testify to the need to call it a crib, I was yelled at by one almost 3 year old!