Saturday, March 7, 2009

Get Off The Road, Here Comes Lukas!

Our little Lukas has suddenly become interested in all things possessing wheels. He wants to try everything that big brother Nikolas does and will keep lifting his chunky little leg up as high as it will go to try and get on a trike or a ride on toy. It is absolutely too cute to watch:)
Now that the weather has been showing signs of improvement we have been spending more time outside and Lukas has been loving it. Even when it is chilly outside and the sun is setting and everyone is cold he will kick and scream and arch his back when I bring him inside.
Lukas is definitely showing signs of being a little athlete like his brother, and perhaps his parents as well:) He pulled himself up on this three wheeled scooter all by himself and stood there balancing and willing it to move. I took pity on the little guy and scooted him all over the place. He was grinning wildly:)

Good thing Nikolas received a bike for Christmas as I think Lukas is planning a takeover of little RED.

And thanks to a boy Nik met at a park who gave him the little red scooter, and to his Uncle Billy who gave Nik this blue scooter, there shouldn't be any arguing over scooters, and yet, I can already hear Nik saying, "I want blue one!" "No, I want red one!" depending on which one Luke is on. Maybe Luke will be the easy going one and not care which one he has.
Wouldn't that be nice?


klyn said...

We do always expect the littler one to give up what we want willingly...

Would that work on your dining room table that has been in storage for ever?? :)

Laughed when I read the first part about the improving weather - we've had snow two days in a row here!

melissa said...

oh! he's getting so big! What a cutie!

Emily said...

When did he change from baby to big boy??? He's looking so grown up now. :( Sorry. I didn't mean to remind you.