Monday, January 18, 2010

The Battle For Bedtime Continues

Darth Papa has been back in the Gibson galaxy now for 3 months, yet the battle for bedtime still wages on. Young Nikolas the Ridiculous insists that he needs all his treasures in bed with him and thus escapes multiple times to go fetch his precious treasures. When he has accumulated everything to his contentment he then announces that he is thirsty, sick, needs to go potty, etc. etc. etc.....His last plea is for Queen I'm the Mama to come stay with him and "never to leave".
To end this cycle of insanity Darth Papa has declared war on young Nikolas the Ridiculous, vowing to put a stop to his midnight escapades.

And so it begins:

The battle rages from one end of the Gibson galaxy to the next. Both sides show no sign of giving in to the enemy.

In his last attempt to flee, Nikolas the Ridiculous shows his Jedi skills by leaping off the top of the couch to apparent safety.

His skills have so impressed Darth Papa that he is granted a momentary reprieve. The battle finished for the night, Nikolas the Ridiculous then holsters his trusty light saber and arrogantly struts away.
Beware young Padawan,
you may have won the battle,
but you have not won the war!!!

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