Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Ticket To Freedom

Once upon a time Tone' and I used to be avid mountain bikers. In fact, our very first "date" was going to look at mountain bikes for me. I had been wanting one and knew that Tone' was into it and so I asked him to come along and help me choose a good bike. He, of course, thought it meant that I just wanted to be with him. Perhaps both were true:) At any rate, after that first outing together I ended up with a mountain bike and a husband. Good deal!

We haven't been able to go on a bike ride together for exactly 3 years and 9 months. Every summer since I became pregnant with Nikolas I have looked longingly at my bike, wishing I could strap my helmet on, click my shoes into the pedals and take off for the bike path and Powell Butte. We have tried using the bike carriers, 3 different kinds in fact, but the fact of the matter is: my bike is a midget bike. Those would be Tone's words.
So the bike carriers just don't work for my bike or little ol' me. Instead, we finally decided to make the plunge into the world of bike trailers. Off to REI we went a couple weekends ago to use our 20% off coupon and our dividends. We came home with the Burley Honey Bee.
Now Tone' and I are finally able to bike ride together! We have gone a couple times already and it has been so much fun for us to be able to ride together and to have our boys along as well. Nikolas absolutely loves being out with us, though once in a while he wants to get out and run down the bike path next to us. That would be just fine if he knew the rules of the path and how to run in a straight line:} Instead I am constantly yelling out, "Nikolas, STOP!" "Don't move!" "MOVE!" "Get out of the WAY!" "WATCH OUT!". So that part gets to be a little stressful.
Lukas, on the other hand, isn't so sure about this new ride. The whole time he just sits there with his lower lip out, his head down and a pathetic look on his face, like he is having the most miserable time in his life. I know, we're just terrible parents.

Hopefully Lukas will begin to like it as Mama really needs to get out of the house this summer and this seems to be the best option. Last summer I nearly went insane from not doing any regular physical activity. I'm hoping this bike trailer will be enough to satisfy my need for outdoor adventure so I don't go crazy. Our home isn't very fun when mama is cooped up like a chicken all summer, and as they say:
"If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."


klyn said...

An ultimate 8 ball helmet Lukas is wearing!! Yeah, he so doesn't look thrilled, but does he get happier when he is solo?

Ginger said...

To quote Mel Gibson in Braveheart, "FREEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!"
Your boys are adoreable!
It's so fun peeking in on you here!

Hugs all around!!!

Emily said...

This post describes exactly how Ed & I felt the first time we strapped Elly into the bike trailer. It's the perfect solution: you get a workout and the boys get a nice ride out of the deal. Oh, and Elly gets about as excited as Lukas...