Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweet Little Boy

Though Nikolas doesn't like to take naps anymore, his little body still needs them. Some days, when I can't get him to take a nap in his room, I will put them both in the car and drive around the neighborhood. Other days, while I am putting Lukas down for a nap, I will come out to find Nikolas curled up with his "kiki" fast asleep.
He was so sweet looking curled up on a pillow hugging his kiki. He's still such a little boy, in spite of himself wanting to be a big kid.

The very next day the same thing happened, only this time I came out to find he had strapped himself into Luke's old baby bouncer. I was a bit amazed to find that he still fits in it. I don't think Lukas fits in it anymore......


ISpy said...

I used to put an audio tape on and had them "listen" to the tape if they didn't want to take a nap. Always worked like a charm to knock them out. Of course, they have to be alone in their room for this to work!

Jodi said...

What a sweet boy... They're going to stay little like that forever, right???

melissa said...

My solution- and this only ever works with to put them in a time-out. Of course, I don't want her to fall asleep. I want her to lay there and think about what she did- but it never fails- a five minute time out almost always turns into an hour long nap. Of course, if she's making choices that deserve time-outs, then a nap is probably exactly what she needs!

Sheri said...

My question is, why is Lukas' bouncer still out? :)