Sunday, March 22, 2009

One Tired Little Boy

Nikolas has been feeling ill the last two days and has been doing a whole lot of this:

He doesn't ever just lie on the couch and fall asleep, which is so unlike his father:), so it is a sure sign of illness when it happens. Poor little man, he has thrown up the last two mornings and hasn't wanted to eat anything for two days. That prompted me to try to make chicken noodle soup for the first time ever.
Yep, first time ever. I know, what have I been waiting for? For some reason, there has always seemed to be something mysterious about making chicken noodle soup. I don't know why as my mom used to make it from scratch, and I do mean scratch. We butchered our own chickens and she made her own pasta. I remember sitting at the picnic table with my sister and mom while we plucked chicken feathers off of the dead birdies. I also remember coming home from school and finding noodles hanging all around the kitchen to dry. I don't know anyone who makes their own noodles now, do you?
Well, I had turkey(not chicken but close enough) breasts thawed and all the ingredients so I looked up and found an easy looking recipe. I'm sure some of you seasoned cooks are thinking, "Recipe?! Why would you need a recipe?" Well let me share a little about myself.

Life, to me, is pretty much black and white. If there is a recipe, I follow it. If someone says, "I don't measure, I just guesstimate" I run and hide. I guess I like instructions. and rules. Plus, I have no idea how ingredients work together, so when I see a recipe that calls for oil, I would never think to replace that with something like applesauce. With a lot of coaching from friends like Kate and Sheri, I am beginning to let creativity into my kitchen, but it is a long and painfully slow process. Probably more painful for those who have to eat my new found creativity, like my cousin Katie, who just had a bowl of my chicken (turkey) noodle soup. Sorry Katie, the turkey was totally dry:( I promise, every once in a while, I make something really good:)


TulipGirl said...

Ummm. . . no wonder you didn't try to make it before! Growing up plucking your own chickens?

When I was growing up, a friend helped another friend butcher chickens and gave us some. Still with pin feathers. The grossest thing to me as a child was chicken soup with pin feathers. Ruined me for chicken for years.

No wonder I ventured into vegetarianism for awhile.

Hope your little one is feeling better soon.

klyn said...

N is wearing a very awesome train shirt! Hope he is better!

Wow - first time! That's because you started your cooking life with the LUXURY of buying chicken/ turkey pre-cut, unlike I did!!

And, excuse me, but I make my own noodles! Just spinach fetticini (sp), because they taste far better than store bought!! Next time you are up, I'll make them!

rebecca said...

pin feather soup, MMMmmmmm. HaHa, just kidding! Now that you mention it, I do remember the pin feathers!
Thanks for stopping by:)

Sis, yes, we do seem to be switching roles now don't we? and I will definitely take you up on the spinach fettucine. You can teach me!