Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bad Mama

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I drove all the way from home to church, a 14 minute drive, and realized when I got there that Nik was completely unbuckled. I had a little conversation with Nik that if Mama ever starting driving when he wasn't buckled in then he was to yell, "Mama, no buckle!". Well, I never really know what makes it into that noggin of his as he doesn't really acknowledge things I say very well, so I wasn't sure if he would actually think to say that if the opportunity arose again.
Guess what, it did. I left Ama and Ampa's house and the whole way home Nik was FREAKING out saying, " No drive, no drive!!!". I kept asking him, "do you want to go back to Ampa's house?" Nik: "NO, no drive!" I started getting frustrated with him and ignored him the rest of the way home, a 5 minute drive, and only realized when we pulled in what he had been hollering about. I went to unbuckle him and although he was buckled, his arm was on top of the chest harness rather than under it. Probably not a life threatening issue, but I really felt bad about not listening to him. He had been telling me just like I told him to, it just wasn't exactly what I had told him to say. Apparently I am pretty black and white about things and that doesn't always work so well with a two year old. Hopefully next time I will consider all the options when he is hollering something I just don't get.

1 comment:

kate said...

Yes, we've had the same thing happen. Eloise yells too. I think it's just part of having two kiddos. I'm sure when you have 3 someone else will go unbuckled too.