Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weekend at the Cabin

Last weekend I left Nikolas with Tone', picked up my friend Sheri, and headed to my dad's cabin in White Salmon, Washington for a scrapbooking weekend with my sister and niece.

This was the view when we woke up the next morning. It was beautiful with the fog drifting across the lake and the sun shining down.

Here is my very special friend, Sheri, who started out as my high school leader in our church youth group and has become one of those friends you can call at 4 am after puking your brains out and ask them to come over to take care of your babies when they wake up. Yep, that happened, and she came over and even brought me this disgusting vinegar concoction to help my stomache. Thanks Sheri:)

And here is my wonderful sister, Kellie, who stepped into the good type of motherly role after our mom died. I always thought that my mom would come and stay with me for a couple of weeks after I had babies, but she passed away 11 months before Nikolas was born. Thankfully Kellie stepped in and she stayed with me and cooked, cleaned, shopped and generally took great care of me. Thanks sis! I would be lost without you.

And here is my niece Alexandra, who is becoming more and more of an adult and friend. She is a selfless servant who rarely complains (at least not around me). She came and took care of Lukas the whole weekend so I could get some scrapbooking done. Bless you Alex!
And this is the project that I actually completed while I was there!!! It's a recipe box to hold all the many crockpot recipes I have begun to accumulate lately. Are you impressed? I sure am:) I would like to say I came up with this on my own, but that would be lying. It was a kit.

Sunday morning Kellie and I took turns taking the kayak out for spin on the lake. It is so incredibly quiet there with only the ducks and geese making their little slurping noise while looking for bugs.
Here is Kellie in the kayak. I have the same picture of me, but since most people ask us if we are twins, I figured it would be redundant to post it too.
Did you know my amazingly talented husband, Tone', made this kayak??!! He did, and I have no idea how. I just know that he spent countless hours in the garage one year building it. I'd love for him to build another one, but then I would be a garage widow, so I'm good with just taking turns with the one we have.
I love this picture. The lone kayak, the early morning fog, the rays of sun shining down.....
it all makes me think of what it would have looked like a couple hundred years ago when the Native Americans lived here.
Except that this lake is here because of 20th century dam building, so it wouldn't have looked like this at all...... but let's just pretend.


Emily said...

Wow, Rebecca. Amazing pictures! I can just picture that calm, peaceful setting. Which is saying alot because Elly is currently sitting next to me pushing the button that plays "This Old Man" over and over and over... Sounds like you guys had a wonderful weekend. Tone should totally talk to my folks. They are currently in the middle of a kayak-building project themselves!

klyn said...

So now we just need to figure out how to do this cabin trip monthly!!
Just think of all the things we could accomplish!
Especially if I wasn't making 150 Christmas cards!

Jodi said...

Oh I loved this post. :) Your pictures are beautiful, and I'm so impressed with your recipe box! And what you read about Kellie completely made me cry. I love sisters. :)

Jodi said...

*wrote* about Kellie. :)

kate said...

so beautiful. I can't believe tone made that. How amazing! He sure is talented.

great job kellie! what a great sister you have. I hope my girls grow up to be just like that.

Katinka said...

Well, millions of years ago there could have been a lake there that the Indians floated around on.

Ha ha ha!

That was a fun week-end. Way too short. Let's do it again.