Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can I Have One? Please!!!

A sixteen year old willing to help with my children, that is.

My niece, Alex, came home with me Sunday before last after our weekend at the cabin and stayed with us until Wednesday afternoon. I just have one word to describe having her here with me: bliss.

I can't believe how much easier it is to have someone else around during the day to help with kids. I got so much done!!!

I was able to go grocery shopping, BY MYSELF!

For all you who don't have little babies anymore, grocery shopping by myself is a big deal. Really.

Even going to the park, which isn't too stressful of a thing to do, was way more fun as Alex helped corral NIk and even tried teaching him to pump on the swing.

Nikolas climbing up everything, this boy has no fear.
Just slipping in a cute Lukas shot:)

Nikolas absolutely loves having Alex around, whom he calls Alec.
Alex tolerates him very well, much better than mama does.

It was sad to see her go, Nik will still, a week later, look at me and ask, "Alec here?"
Awww, sorry Nik, not right now. She'll be back sometime though.

Pleeeeeeaaaaase come back sometime soon, Alex:)

1 comment:

klyn said...

Well, I know how you could get a live-in 16 year old and get paid for housing them! Host a foreign exchange student! The German student at A's school is looking for a new place for the second semester - his parents pay $550 a month!